Here you can modify all the options associated with Excel files.
First, choose between converting Values or Formulas (or both). Not sure which? When you are in Excel you can alternate the view of Formulas and Values by going to the Tools\Options\View\Windows Options menu item. Note that when the 'Convert XLS' conversion method is chosen you have a third choice available "Formulas only".
The Treat values as text (i.e. leave leading zeroes intact) option allows you to treat data that has leading zeroes as text only, allowing you to retain the leading zeroes. For example say you were converting from a 1 line csv file to a fixed width txt file. If the input file looks like this:
The output file would be the following:
Treat values as text (i.e. leave leading zeroes intact) Enabled:
001232 001.233 00414 1441
Treat values as text (i.e. leave leading zeroes intact) Disabled:
1232 1.233 414 1441
NOTE: The option to treat values as text is only valid for 'Convert XLS' conversion method which is included in the Enterprise Edition of 'Convert XLS'.
Specify which sheets and what range of cells to export if you happen to be working with an Excel file as the Input file. You can specify the sheet by its name or numeric order within the Workbook. You can also select multiple sheets by specifying each individually with a comma separating them (i.e. "Accounting, Apples, Oranges"). Specifying sheets with a range is also possible by using the "-" dash character. For example "2-4,6" will process sheets 2,3,4 and 6. Finally leave this entry blank or use the "*" character to specify all sheets within the workbook.
HINT: Specifying a sheet by its order number can be very helpful if you don't always know the proper name of the worksheet ahead of time.
You can also specify whether or not to create a single file, or multiple files when converting from Excel with multiple sheets to any other file type (txt, csv etc). Therefore if you specified to convert 3 sheets of Input.XLS to a text file, Target.TXT you can end up with 3output files (instead of 1) if you enable the "Create multiple files, one for each sheet" option.
If you are converting sheets and would not like an output file to be created for any sheets that are empty, enable this option. This is useful if, for example, you are converting many Excel files, and you specified to convert all the sheets within them and are not sure if all the sheets contain data. Basically, this option allows you to avoid creating empty output files due to empty worksheets.
A range tells 'Convert XLS' exactly which cells you are interested in converting. "A1" for example is the most upper left cell within a worksheet. "A1:B2" chooses four cells, A1, A2, B1, B2. You can specify multiple ranges by separating each with a comma (i.e. "B2:C4, D5:H6").
Here you can specify passwords that may be required to access either the Input or Output Excel files while processing them. Note: There is Special Process 111 for changing the passwords of any given Excel workbook.
This option is specific to the 'MS Excel' conversion method. If you want to 'optimize for speed' you will do so at the expense of using more memory on your PC. Conversion times are greatly enhanced by selecting the 'optimize for speed' option.
NOTE: The 'Convert XLS' conversion method has been seen to be 10 to 15 times faster than the 'MS Excel' conversion method.
See also: