Follow these steps to move a sheet within a single Excel workbook or create a copy of the workbook with the specified sheet in a new location:
1. Select the special process "[105] (*.XLS) Move sheet within workbook" from the Special Process drop down list. The file format is automatically set as *.XLS.
2. Next select the input and output files. If an output file does not exist, Convert XLS will create it for you. If the output file is the same as the input file the sheet will be moved within the input file. If a new name is specified for the output file, a new workbook will be created with the specific sheet moved to the desired location within it.
3. Click the Click Here for Move Sheet Details button.
a. The sheet to be moved must exist in the input workbook
b. Select the location you would like the sheet moved to.
4. Optional: Click the Add (or ALT+A) button to add the task to the Conversion Task list. You may add multiple tasks to the Conversion Task list before initiating the conversion process by repeating Steps 1 - 4 as necessary.
5. Click the Convert (or F5) button to execute the process.
Additional Details
Sheet To Move is the name of the sheet to Move. Required.
Note: If you name a sheet with only numbers, you will need to use quote marks around that name. For example, if you name a sheet 32, when you specify the Input Sheet you must specify "32" with the quotes around the name so Convert XLS knows it is a name and not an index number for the sheet. If you browse for the file and click to select it, you will still need to manually add the quotes.
Sheet Before Moved sheet will be placed before this sheet (Name or #).
Sheet After Moved sheet will be placed after this sheet (Name or #).