P206 (CSV) Include specified columns delete all others



Extra Parameters: /1{Parameter1} … /n{Nth Parameter}


(CSV) Include specified COLUMNS, discard all others

/1 = Selection of columns to include. All others will be discarded.


For example to keep columns 4-20, 25, and 30 specify: /1 4-20,25,30

Special Parameters Described in Detail

/1 Specifies which columns to leave. Those not specified will be removed. For example to keep columns 4-20, 25, and 30 specify: "/1 4-20,25,30"

EXAMPLE Include Specified Columns

To keep columns 4-20, 25, and 30 in file D:\CSVFiles\Simple.CSV, the following syntax would be used:


ConvertXLS.EXE /S"D:\CSVFiles\Simple.CSV" /T"D:\CSVFiles\Simple.CSV" /P206 /1 4-20,25,30

The /S and /T switches specify input and output workbook respectively, which in this case is the same workbook. You can optionally keep the input file unchanged by specifying a different name or path for the output file.