Contribute Products

If you sell a file conversion tool or product and are looking for more than a listing or reciprocal link, then submit your product for us to sell.  Every approved product will be listed in our directory, above normal listings and other reciprocal links.  Reseller relationships will earn a higher position than affiliate relationships, and reciprocal links on your home page will boost your position as well.  Products offering corporate solutions might also consider submitting Case Studies for a stronger push.  Finally, reseller relationships (as opposed to affiliate relationships) may earn you a web page showcasing your product (in addition to any Articles and Case Studies you submit).  Such pages are optimized for Google (no guarantees though, we're only human!).  Niche products will be given special consideration.

To Submit, use the form below:
(all fields with * are required)

Contact Information

Your Name*

Email Address*

Phone Number*

Your Company's Information

Company Name*

Company Description*

Company URL

Product Information

Product Name*

Product Description*

Product URL

How would we sell your product?

Affiliate Program  Resale Rights

Wholesale Price (if resale): $

Retail Price: $

Commission (if Affiliate Program): %

Other details (licensing, downloading, etc.)

I certify that I am the owner of the product I am submitting to or have the authority to submit the product on behalf of my company.  I authorize and its licensees to distribute and advertise the product as it sees fit, using only legal means. I agree to indemnify for all damages that may be incurred in connection with the product. I certify that the product information above is correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge.  For more information, please see our user agreement.
I agree*: